Allan Gerard - Holographic Reality

2014-06-18 12

These holographic Lies
These lines said to me
The weight of this world
Crumbles under one order

Take away from one and give unto me
The fruit in this batch rearranges the order

Standing fast at the till
While they laid the seeds, I beseech you
Before this season I leave you

Seizure it comes in the moment they seize
Cease and desist those catatonic notions

You cry for your food
Yet you never worked to see
The livestock give birth to what you call a burger

Yet you'll murder for a buck and blaze
It up till you're green
The infection has spread
Now it's time to dismember

Now remember these lines
While you stand in line For the slaughter

Blessed be the weak now remember your father
He is the one that did this for you
Don't dare ask just where is your mother

Now maybe below, going over the truth
Bridging the gap, under the radar

The prism a promise an illusion of proof
The intrusion a ruse, disclosure to confuse
Exposure to amuse

So I'll lay this mirror down
Point it straight to the heavens
And I'll listen for the sound
As he regrets my question

Allan Gerard