DEEPAK KUMAR PATTANAYAK - Weep or not to weep

2014-06-18 1

Weep or not to weep

Fresh is the dew at dawn;
And soon to be dried
By the splendors of noon,
This has been the truth
For ages whence unknown,
Love grows like flowers,
Blooming fresh and fair
In the soft morning sun,
And who knows when
The frost will come,
Its crimson wither
And fragrance blown,
This is the Holy Judgement,
How can we defy thy decision?
Strings tied to life loosen,
Swift and strange is the going,
Endless tasks ended,
Or is it the beginning of the spring,
Souls fail to grasp the whole thing,
God bestows on us love,
We love somebody or something,
But when love grows and ripens,
Falls off leaving us alone,
More painful it is, when,
Those we love most are first taken,
Once, and but once Death’s Angel visits,
Inflicting all human woes,
Weeping, grief and pain,
Memory stays and will live alone,
Weep, souls weep,
For weeping soothes inward pain,
Life must go on,
And the dead be forgotten.........