Lawrence S. Pertillar - Which Cat Is Doing The Math

2014-06-18 1

Some have adapted to adopt,
And with increasing disbelief...
Deceits to accept and receive.
With a giving of too much credit,
To the ones...
Performing their misdeeds,
And finding success of this done.
With a bleeding to deplete those,
Of all their credibility.

And then that day comes,
When the liars who did this...
Try to hide behind denial and innocence,
To then make attempts to run...
As a way to escape from any acknowledgement...
Of creating a platform to ruin someone's existence.

'Which ones adapted to adopt?
Adopted to adapt to make the adjustment? '

What difference does that 'now' make,
After someone's character...
Has been successfully assassinated?

'Good point.
Sometimes to forgive and forget,
Is easier to do for the one who deceives.
Don't you think? '

Does a cat actually have nine lives to live?

'That depends on which cat is doing the math.'


Lawrence S. Pertillar