On the rise,
From darken shadows that began,
To comfort as if a welcomed friend.
And on the rise again to gain strengthened faith,
Held this time not to end...
As a clearing away of thunderstorms beginning,
To wet with a soaking my heart with rain.
No longer will I turn my back on rays of Sunshine.
So long my head had replaced my heart,
To keep both closed like a door...
Shut tight to keep my emotions protected.
From a wounding I suspected to detect and expect.
So long my mind ignored possibilities,
I could move on from being hurt.
Instead of beating up myself,
To self inflict what I thought was a need I deserved.
On the rise again to gain strengthened faith,
Held this time not to end...
As a clearing away of thunderstorms beginning,
To wet with a soaking my heart with rain.
No longer will I turn my back on rays of Sunshine.
Lawrence S. Pertillar