Margaret Alice Second - Keep My Teeth (2)

2014-06-17 1

A shocking piece of information, an article claiming
people suffering from arthritis should have all their
teeth with fillings and implants extracted - the last
remains of teeth cut from the jawbone to prevent
venom of rotting calcium entering the system

I realised it was the Nigella effect – an email message
contrasting the beautiful fifty-year old cook who drinks
wine and eats butter and sugar versus the wrinkled old
lady looking a hundred years who recommends a lean
whole-wheat diet with frequent colonoscopies

We all saw what that did to her, I shall keep my teeth,
the amount of money spent on extractions can be used
to enjoy life instead of reducing living to pain before
finally dying, without teeth and with holes in my jawbone
I should wish to die immediately being an ugly crow

Margaret Alice Second

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