john chizoba vincent - DONT WEEP FOR ME

2014-06-17 7

Don't weep for me
i will be fine and strong.
when it rain i will be fine,
when the sun shine i will be fine.
i look unto God for my survival.
Men can fail and trample upon me if hope on,
But God never fail thousand times.
He alone knows my story and tribulations
in the hands of Destiny and faith.
As i am being drag to the dungeon
With this black maria painted hatred and sorrow,
I know i will be fine in the middle of the night
when human voices shall be no more but
that of howl hunting human souls.
Look not the blood tears gushing down from my eyes,
Truth shall reveal itself after many hearing.
Dont weep for my honour nor for my glories,
weep not for my life nor for my sorrow,
i will be fine in good justifications
Take care of my wife and mother as i go.
Bear up my children in your hands.
They are my gold and my future,
when i am no more.
Tell Ozuruonye not to cry, all depend on God.
Advice Kambili never to give up on her dreams.
let her strike while the iron is still hot.
Warn Onye to take responsibilities of his younger ones.
if tomorrow never comes, tell my children that i love them.
Tell them how i was humiliated and battered in my innocence.
and warn them to be wearing of humans.
Dear friend, weep not i be fine.

john chizoba vincent