Eesha Syed - Plight Of A Caged Bird

2014-06-17 8

I'm a caged bird
freedom is my right,
my delicate pink wings ache
whenever we fight,
I'm a creative soul
analytical thinking isn't my tea bowl

He gives me problems
thinking solutions becomes another,
I use my artistic mind
yet I remain unable to find,
even if I get
my brain forgets!

'Practising makes a person perfect',
but practice needs passion,
he's a thing of 'xyz'
while I'm a fairy of colors

If I suggest a medley of Aquamarine, Trees and Ruby Love
his bloodred anger gives me bubble attack,
further agony?

And nightmares of failure drive me mad.............................

Oh Almighty!
Have Mercy!
Don't let me die a mathdeath!
I'm a caged bird
and freedom's my right,
separate me from him
ah please!
Separate me....
Separate me.....
From Maths.

Eesha Syed