Soumita Sarkar Ray - Secret Of Marriage

2014-06-17 7

Though meeting is 'arranged'
It's better to become 'friends'
Before you take the holy vows
Two strange hearts should come close.

One is always vivacious
to swoon the composed demeanour
One is termed grossly 'silly'
while the other takes charge.

Things take different root
just have a closer look.
after spending few months
two expert minds understand.
One engages in merriment
that makes the other cross
'I would order Continental'
'I better prefer Chinese'
Precious tears stream down
Look! who is screaming aloud.
Words are hurtled like
swords and spears
killer stares are bravely borne
'My life has become hell?
'Oh! Speak for God's sake'
'Don't you crawl in self-made shell'

Two sane persons poles apart
Was their union a disaster?
Despite a valid point,
You friend
If you keenly observe,
opposites always attract.

Soumita Sarkar Ray