Amy Styles - Great

2014-06-17 3

You're confused
I'm confused
we are all confused
we’re lost and forgetful and naïve
we watch others make mistakes with no intentions to help
we ourselves make mistakes
we break hearts
sometimes we are the broken hearted
we hate
we cry
we hope
we watch the skies.

We are the generation of confused
blind to opportunities
blind to love
we are the generation of silence
voices unheard
pleading ignored
we are the generation of confused
the media setting an image
that we will never meet.

We are only us
we will only ever be us
but don’t you dare think that simply being you isn’t enough
because right now I’m telling
you are enough
you are enough
and great
and not without knowledge.

But enough for what
enough to impact something
enough to impact someone’s life
enough to impact a city
a country
a world
our world?

Maybe not
but you are in control of one thing
your life
you can choose
you can hope
you can love and hate
you can change
and you will change.

Pain changes people
surroundings change people
money changes people
ideas change people
and you will change yourself
bending this way and that
trying to be more like everyone else
and less like yourself.

Don’t you remember being little
don’t you remember wanting to be someone
wanting to be a model or a designer or a princess
an astronaut a scientist a doctor a lawyer a teacher a writer a singer a dancer an athlete or just
someone great.

Have you realized
that right now
the person you are
may be that someone great?

They told you
you couldn’t be someone
they told you that you’re not enough
they told you that you have to work harder
you have to be someone different
they told you to be someone better
they told you
you wouldn’t make it.

Well they’re all watching now
so go out there
and prove them all wrong.

Amy Styles