jaira joyce - Don't Be Sad My Friend

2014-06-17 104

When times get tough
When sun hide in a cloud
When rains don’t stop
And you’re in confusion
Keep your faith friend
Destiny has something for you

When you think you’re forgotten
When you realize you’re being snob
When they rejected you
And you think they’re conspiring against you
Don’t despair friend
They’re making you wiser than you’ll ever be

When we’re miles apart
When no one seems to know you’re worth
When no one notices your best
And you did everything, give your best shot and still nothing happen
Just continue friend
There’s a gold for you at the end

When you failed
When you get mistakes
When everything seems hard
And you’re alone
Don’t lose hope friend
Your success will be the sweetest

Don’t be sad my friend
There’s someone watching your best
Appreciating your worth
Knows your value
And loving you, more than you’ve ever known.

jaira joyce
