Dorothy (Alves) Holmes - Betrayed II

2014-06-17 6

Mystic evening sky
Moonlight sitting on the edge
Of yesterdays,
Silenced by the weeping of
A lover walking upside down
Into someone's fuzzy dreams
Of sugared lies;
Dispied by poets with poems
With misspelled words
and ink smeared lines,
And music makers
With out-of-tune guitars and
Pianos with broken keys...

That's the door to perfumed
Scented promises,
Left over from a thrill that's
Flying on the tail of a kite -With stars hanging from it;
A kite that no longer shines.

I say again.
The horses have run off
The carousel...
Ah, but the music keeps playing!

Dorothy Alves Holmes
A Poet Who Loves To Sing

Sept 8,2010
10: 19 p.m.

Dorothy (Alves) Holmes

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