Somanathan Iyer - Oh! my humble sparrow!

2014-06-17 6

Sparrow! O my humble sparrow! where are you now?
aghast at the speed of your declining numbers
cries my heart for not sighting you dear!
Rare is your presence even in villages
Where did you vanish leaving us in anguish

I recall the times back to a couple of decades
In flocks and flocks you dotted the skies
Perching on the trees perching on roof tops
Chirping and tweeting mocking and mating

Nests you built in the shape of a tunnel
On bushes and trees and high tension wires
A treat to watch you reaching home in flocks
A feast to watch you feeding your little ones

Taken for granted your presence amongst us
Little we imagined your pace of depletion
Whom to blame? Difficult to answer
Our heart craves eyes lust to see you back again in strength

Somanathan Iyer

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