I've built a storm shelter deep in my mind
For when I feel I must take flight;
I get there quickly, my provisions are few -
Some music, pen and paper to write
It's a very small space, just for me alone,
I really don't want company;
And please, don't come by to ask how I am,
You might not like what you see
When life overwhelms, I can get there fast,
I get comfortable, then I lock the door;
I sit in the corner and cover my eyes,
When I just cannot bear anymore
The shelter is dark - I reject the light,
Light tends to make things too clear;
I know what's out there - I don't want to see,
What you can't see, you tend not to fear
Don't question my judgement, I'm not new at this,
Misery always seeks its darkest lair;
And if the storm should get too unbearable
You'll find me kneeling in prayer
So if you don't hear from me for awhile,
(I never know how long the storm will last)
Don't worry, I'm safe in my dark little room,
The chamber door is bolted fast
Lora Colon