Jara Son of Ahaz - When Friendship Dies

2014-06-17 2

Friendship a fragile thing.
Secrets kept moments shared
Sad days and dreamy days.
Passion overlooking the park
Shared love on the beach

Friends forever we said
One day to meet and share
Art and music drawn close
Never demanding but always sharing
True friends we said with love

Family fights helped through
Worries of things carried and confronted
Deaths and injury shared in support
Gifts of flowers, aroma and Saint Catherine
Wall paintings and scapulars

But always beckoning was fear....of God
What's the roles and why you
Gathering so close together comes....
The urge to run
Isolation the order of the day

I miss you....everyday
I know not what became of you
Twenty years friends, lovers
Following a path we believe God set.
Lying, dying friendship.

So I say goodbye to that space you once held
No response, just gone.
You can only question
Until you know longer care about the answers.
When friendship dies.

Jara Son of Ahaz
