Is heaven just a cloud up in the sky
Where the righteous will go when they die
Onto a lofty, fluffy cloud floating up high above
Where they will be forever content, and always in love,
Upon a cloud where the righteous will always stay
Where they will sing and worship and also pray
With mansions and angels populating that cloud
Wherever they step the grounds will be hallowed,
GOD too will reside on the cloud in heaven upon his throne
His magnificent and his glory will always be known
On the cloud with the righteous will it become a city
Where the saved and the angels will spend their eternity,
Upon the cloud will they be able to walk and rest
Will there be any ponds or lakes or even a forrest
The birds from the sky will they be seen up there
Upon the cloud in Heaven will they even be aware,
Will anyone be able to look down upon the earth below
To remember back to what they once did know
Or in heaven will they forget as they start a new life
Where they now all are siblings, and not husbands or wife,
Upon a cloud floating high up in the sky
Where heaven was born in our mind and eye
Where the righteous will go for their eternal peace
Where love and worshipping will never cease,
Upon a cloud which it will rain and storm no more
With no hate or bigotry or judgements or war
Up on a cloud where the righteous will forever dwell
Better to believe on a cloud than the agonizing fire of hell.
Randy L. McClave
Randy McClave