Ellias Anderson C.A ( Known as captain A) - Our love flies towards you Imam Reza

2014-06-17 22

In the east of my country a man is peacefully slept.
A man that shines the light all over the world, all over the countries
Grand child of the prophet of peace
A great source of light, the sign of God that we shouldn't miss

Your Golden dome, is the place that the sun rays shine at it all days
Your shrine is the place that people's heart pump for visiting it
There, the hearts are connected to God,
Their hearts are connected to the light, as beautiful as the rose buds

While the voices of humans go loud to praise you,
Is the time that eyes stat to move…
Your eyelid will start to get weak…
Tears…will cover your face…there is no one as a geek

His pigeons are as white as the heart of humanity
They praise God for his kindness
They praise the light of that place,
They fly around the people's wet faces

Our love flies towards you Imam Reza
Happy birthday, you are the source of humanity criteria and law.

Ellias Anderson C.A ( Known as captain A)
