I heard an inner voice whispering to me
Let not your heart be troubled
But the sinner voice in me answered back
Do not forget your troubles
And the inner voice said to me, believe in God's promises
But the sinner voice reminded me of my problems
Then the inner voice reminded me that with God all things are possible
But sinner voice let me see the impossibilities
Yet again the inner voice tried to help me recount my successes
But the sinner voice let me see my numerous failures in the process
Then the inner voice caused me to soar on the wings of faith
Yet again the sinner voice assailed me with fears
No you can't, Yes I can
The battle waged on and on...
Alas! I said to myself, 'woe is me, I am undone'
Cause I know not which voice to believe
Then, I heard the 'Still Small Voice' whispering to my inner man
Believe in God and believe also in me...
Suddenly! The battle was done and victory won.
Edgar James Momoh