Hardik Vaidya - America Win

2014-06-17 2

America as you bleed and grieve,
Think about us, not because of sympathy.
The oldest and the largest Democrasy
Two souls, two pearls, two eyes
Have got to try and meet
Like lovers sight.

We have our wolves,
Hounds that bray for blood.
Flesh drives, the stench of violence
Is the essence of existence
We have cries to annihilate
Uproot, destroy, maim, erase
Format our blood brother
Once we shared the same mother.

Not just you, more and many
In my own country
Will feather and tar
Boil my scars and tare my heart
Call me a scoundrel, a weasel a dumbbell
But we haven't given in to the wolves call

In many ways we are a lost country
In a million ways we are a failed nation
The poorest in plight have no freedom in sight
But when it comes to pressing the button
We have never lost sight of our abused Aristotle
I will not agree, I will not bow down
I will give up my life
I will not strike you
As I will not let you cheat
My soul into minced meat.

Our brother has Nuclear weapons
We have Nuclear Weapons
The end game is disaster
But we too are a race of warriors
Armageddon never stopped us
From the Mahabharata of our battles
The Charioteer has not failed us
The Charioteer has not failed us

We have the wisdom
To understand the kins-dom
We know our enemy is not our brother
We know it is the non religious goose and gander
We will not shed innocent blood
To protect our own, running in our veins
We know our blood too runs in our brothers veins.
Killing Peter to teach Paul
Was never a idiom taught to us all
To earn peace, one has to bleed.
It may sound weak, but it takes the strongest.
Peruse the criminals
Bring them to justice,
But don't let the wolves
Run your sense of justice.

Hardik Vaidya
