Serena Silenced - No Beauty Sleep

2014-06-17 6

Up late tonight, it’s just Jake and me
I gave him a bottle, then his passy
I pat his back, and he burps for me
I am so thankful that he isn’t gassy
I look into his eyes, he looks straight back at me
He is barely a month old, does he recognize me?

It’s now 3: 54 and I haven’t had a wink of sleep
He is snuggled in my arms, As I silently creep
I lay him down, and hope he doesn’t make a peep
I make my way to the door, and release a sigh as it squeaks
I know I hear a rustle and think I’ll have no beauty sleep
I walk back to the bassinette and find him fast asleep.

I inhale deeply, I say a silent prayer
I backtrack my steps and get the heck out of there
On the way to my room I step on Winnie the stupid Pooh bear
It springs to life with a song and I think life is so unfair
I still and my senses are instantly hyper aware
Surely I will hear a piercing cry ring out through the air?

A few minutes pass and yet I don’t hear a sound
Except the sound of my blood in my ears as it pounds
I strain my eyes into the darkness as I look all around
Seeing no other obstacles I slink off to lie down
I count 49 little sheep and my eyes finally droop down
Ironically- out of the darkness, I hear an all too familiar sound.

Serena Silenced

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