Tajudeen Shah - A Natural She

2014-06-17 6

“She had long hair
Many would envy!

Full soft pink lips
With a specific line
Projected sharp,
One could make
Her heart’s contour.

Eyes, Wide and wild
Reflecting a smile
In its line and lashes,
But had deep hidden
Whispers that only
I could read certain.

Her breathe made me
Bite her cheeks
And tease her nose,
Cause it smelled as
Tender Mango leaves!

She was hostile to
Make ups or scents.
Her sweat smelled wild
As pineapple blossoms,
That often lured even
Angels good and bad.”

Adorned her for ages
With desires immense.
Fate had plans secret,
Diverse and lethal!

Tajudeen Shah
