Chris Schleier - Of These Things, I'm Sure

2014-06-17 1

Of these things, I'm sure
for, these things are true:
That God art the Father
of me, and of you.

He lives in the heaven:
The kingdom of light,
and destiny hearkens
us into its sight!

A body and soul,
of this we are made.
Temporal: Eternal
they never shall fade!

To grow and have purpose
is why we were born,
and we must improve
while in this sojourn.

Success is for certain,
and victory: sure
in every encounter:
For, I shall endure!

My passions: fulfilled.
My present is well,
and so is my future
my story will tell!

Exalted I'll die,
and saved will I be
In the kingdom of God
as prepared for me!

With God I will live
eternally blessed.
From trials, and pain,
and fear will I rest.

Of these things, I'm sure.
For, These things are true,
not only for me,
but, also, for you!

Chris Schleier