Somanathan Iyer - The end of a Saga

2014-06-17 3

Generations to come envy us for ever
For being contemporaries of a legend
Mandela the great, who inspired
the deprived to raise against apartheid

jailed for decades for raising against injustice
never he lost his courage unmindful of his decayed health
the iron fists that bossed over the locals
relented and retreated accepting their defeat

inspired by Gandhi- the Mahatma, Mandela the savior
became undoubtedly the darling of the masses
world saluted his statesmanship for sharing power
with those who ruled them for longer years

awards and rewards came calling on him
the noblest on earth honored with Nobel prize
the legend that guided the masses left us for ever
leaving us to cherish his never fading memoirs

Somanathan Iyer