Prabhakar Subramaniam - Monday morning

2014-06-17 4

All days are

Not the same

For everyone

Unlike Tom and Swami

The tamed student

Looks forward to

Monday morning

There is no need to play truant

When only praise is due

There is the promise

Of food in school

For those who have

To go hungry at home

The husband

With the suspicious wife

Is keen to be the first

To arrive in office

The lover who wakes

With only one face in mind

Lets bus after bus go,

For over two hours

Before the only one

That matters arrives

The favourite day

Keeps changing too

From the day

When the music show is aired

To the day of the family outing

To the day of the weekly off

When the noise never reaches

The pitch of the inebriated bar.

Prabhakar Subramaniam