Discard all your anger
That creates in you a destructive feeling…
...Replace it with peace
...And attain a state of tranquility of your mind.
Discard all your jealousy
That turns your thoughts into a rotten state…
...Replace it with appreciation
...Which helps you succeed with success of others.
Discard all your weaknesses
That turn you into a loser in whatever you do…
...Replace it with strengths
...That turn you into a winner in your endeavors.
Discard all your rudeness
That makes others shun you away from them…
...Replace it with courteousness
...That makes others want you to be on their side.
Discard all your selfishness
That makes you lonely in the world…
...Replace it with generosity
...That enables you to be honored by others.
Discard all your suspicions
That makes you doubt about your own ability…
...Replace it with trust
...That others will start believing in you.
Discard all your hatred
That turns life into an utter misery
...Replace it with love
...To make living a pleasant experience.
Discard all your negative thinking
That takes you into a failure mode…
...Replace it with positive thoughts
...And you will achieve great heights.
Tirupathi Chandrupatla