Paula Glynn - Realm of Dreams

2014-06-17 4

Like a ruby ring hidden in the deepest seas,
I explore and discover new worlds,
I see the sights of mythological gods,
I see sea-serpents and mermaids,
Their fish tails waving through the green of the water,
Pools hidden in caves of a fastmoving ocean,
Where boats barely skim the surface,
For fish and octopuses hide beneath the depths.

But above the sun shines hot onto the mountains,
Molton Lava bubbling its intense heat,
And the ancient land waits for the blast,
That happen now and in also in the past:
History dominating the view.
But at night the air clears and cools,
Woodland trees frowing gently in the breeze,
And the moon shines down,
Illuminating animals and all of god's creatures,
As they perform their work for nature.

This is paradise,
For earth - our mother earth - is a realm of dreams,
She takes us in her arms,
And lets us rest in peace,
She teaches life lessons but never does preach,
For we are in heaven,
The moon and the sun guiding us on our stories,
Whether long or short and we learn home truths,
On our way down that road,
And though we may carry a heavy load,
We are not on our own: for earth shall see us through,
On a journey known as life,
In a realm of dreams.

Paula Glynn