There are many types of courage
On the complicated circle of life.
For some it appears to flow easily,
Without stress, trauma and strife.
Appearances can be deceptive,
For things are not as they appear.
I implore you, please look deeper,
And see beyond into the sphere.
If you look into your heart
And seek your soul's own self.
The courage to be steadfast
Is not left on the shelf.
So be aware and open always
To things not understood,
For courage comes in many guises
Not black, white, bad or good.
The many definitions elude us time again.
We do not need to hold them all.
Awareness is the one key word,
Compassion, love, amidst the squall.
So whatever you think courage means.
Allow the different strains.
Consider, when the fear stings most
Is when our soul pulls taut the chains.
Rosi Caswell