Leaking Pen - Never Again Love

2014-06-17 3

Focused eyes, many tries
Seduced by their spies
Love that illusive bird
Cant' gauge/cage its world

For its wingspan
Exceeds my wingspan
Near mountain peaks
Circling for weeks

Eagle eyes glazing
Sharp harpoon gazing
Life beneath yonder
My life I wonder

The pain of the catch
My heart's open latch
Am I seduced to gain?
If I surrender my pain

My gain a rising fog
Burned by the Sun's log
This memory gone
Old pains tack on

Love is a gypsy
Roaming and tipsy
Feet on my landfill
Complete standstill

Broken wings my things
Love open strings
As soon as my heart rings
To flight love to wings

Flies back to the its peaks
On the lookout for rosier cheeks
While I am left for weeks
Questioning my techniques

Never again to love I will
Surrender my surrender at will
I rather rot to pains my will
Then love deciding my will

October 11,2012
Copyright Leaking Pen 2012

Leaking Pen
