Elizabeth Padillo Olesen - New Year's Resolution, Take It or Leave It

2014-06-17 6

Less intake of sugar or say no to sweeties
To help starve the cancer cells in the body.
Less meat, coloured and canned goods
Eliminate the body from more toxic wastes
Free the body from invisible toxins by more intake
of water-content foods - fruits and vegetables.
Go to bed earlier this year and never wait
until the body tells you to sleep and retire.

Close your computer and all electric devices
and let your eyes rest from their constant rays.
Say a prayer each day and night
as you open and close your eyes.
Remember your loved ones, friends and strangers
Bless them and say thanks for their life.
Never let anger or bitterness fill and dwell
in your heart as you sleep and wake up.

Do not miss your breakfast and other meals
Be attuned to the body's food consumption,
digestion, absorption and elimination
By them, be more conscious of what you eat
and the rhythms of these processes.
Shop and buy only what you can use
And do not flood your space by much un-necessity.
Learn to distribute your goodies
to those who are in dire need.

Try to sort our your garbage
between organic and non-organic
metals, papers and plastics
combustible and non-combustible
degradable and non-degradable
and know where to dispose them.
Try to embrace Mother Nature
and resolve to be kind to her bosom.

Think that each year is only a
short passing year and welcome it
as the only year in your life.
There is much to do and remember
But let this New Year be long enough
To give us the chance to live a healthy life.

December 31,2012 for 2013

Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
