Elizabeth Padillo Olesen - Christmas and Magic

2014-06-17 1

Christmas is a trip to the Wonderland
when darkness turns into nights of sparkling lights
when despair is met by the Star of Hope
when want is reached by generous hands.

Christmas is a trip to God's Kingdom
when oppressive rulers in the land are checked
by the lowly and humble Servant,
when hatred is overcome by Love,
when the sinned-against grant forgiveness
to the sinners; and when blessings
are shared so that all may abundantly live.

Christmas is magic and myth
and yet made real in the historical Jesus.
The magic of love cleanses and renews human hearts.
The myth of magic, the Hope of Mankind,
points to the Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
December 27,2012

Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
