Kelly Seale - 'Eleccentricity'

2014-06-17 1


Definitions of eleccentricity (n)

elec - cen- tric - i - ty [ elec sen trissatee ]

(1) - My heart feels like it's beating out of my skin
The anticipation of the love that awaits,
Where do I begin.
You whisper in amazement, 'You're trembling! '
'No I'm not, ' I lie.
'You're cold! ' You reply.
'No, I'm not! ' I say, trembling,
As tears well up in my eyes.
I kiss you hungerly, and our tongues perform their dance.
My heartbeats to the music,
As I'm hopelessly locked into your trance.
The emotion that I'm feeling
Emanates from deep within the center of my being-
My Heart.
Our lovemaking is far from routine,
For we had to start from start.
As the passion builds, the magic still there
Electric impulses exchange,
As the smell of Love fills the air.
And within the center
Of this mass of energy,
Is You and I.
Two separate beings enter
Then join together, becoming one.

Kelly Seale