Mark Walters - Deadly Rain

2014-06-17 8

This treats real, no meager trickster.
A scary truth, no flaky mixture.
When Christians left the Gospel mission,
This world lost God's benediction;
True love was lost,
We counted not the cost.
Beware, read on if you dare,
For this is no cheesy fright fest fare.

From the Almighty's smoke-filled throne,
God's wrath long overdue is known.
Though once all men beheld His glory,
Grace is done, the Gospel story.
Now all's for naught,
This farm's been bought.
Buzzards circling low explore,
Unsaved graceless to the core.

From faceless sons a question begs;
Are those leftover just the dregs?
As the error of their life is known,
The terror in their eyes is shone,
An evil rain,
Falls on those in vain.
The deadly tide will overflow.
The damned will ride its undertow.

Their harm a churchy world inflicts,
By loveless laws and men's edicts.
Indifference costs a heavy price;
Hell's mouth wide will not suffice.
No way to heal,
No way to re-seal.
This poor flock no longer sought,
In the terror of death's maw are caught.

The time of His return is here,
Even now men's hearts are filled with fear.
If we fail here to share God's vision,
Those left behind die in derision.
This drama's real,
Please hear my appeal.
Though sinful men will surely die,
Today the Savior's love is nigh.

Mark Walters