Syed Anwar Yarkhan Jilani - Daughter's Marriage

2014-06-17 22

Opposite a Qazi I see you sitting
A memorial day I may say befitting.
Along with you is one offering his life
Who asks me to make you his wife.

Herein I see a pretty new born
Anxious day I have at bull's horn.
Then a bundle of joy seen at the birth
And I promised her true love on Earth.

A dashing young lady at the mart
Strong willed girl close to my Heart.
So timid, so tender and so warm
Confused now of the new life harm.

Reflecting discussions on her youthful years
Fatima, her mother, had few congenial fears.
Those were times of joy and sometimes tears
For her darling mom nothing was as it appears.

Now together I am on your marriage day
I hug you. I kiss you and gently walk away.
How much I love, you may not realize
The answer is in your Daddy's eyes.

Syed Anwar Yarkhan Jilani