Captain Cur - Demon Seas, Part 1

2014-06-17 2

The vomit in my stomach
rises choking my neck.
My sails are in tatters.
My ship is a wreck.

The waves rise against me,
the winds squashing my flesh.
The weight of the water is pounding,
crushing my chest.

My knees give before me.
I stumble yet hold
onto the wheel of my vessel,
my hands calloused and cold.

I scream to my shipmates
but none hear my call.
A mast cracks above me
threatening to fall.

A foaming tongue of mighty length
comes hunting fore and aft
then broke the arm grips of a man
who was swallowed in it's path

and dragged down in a toothless mouth
with shale and stagnant breath
to the richness of her silty bed
where the crab mites feast on death.

Captain Cur