Ideas keep on exchanging
And time keeps on changing
Like the seasons of the year
Like day and night, my dear
Time changes friends into foes
Soft Flowers become hard blows
When the words are misinterpreted
And ideas distorted wrongly represented
One thing I have learnt for sure
There is no cure to keep ideas pure
She loves you more than me
On the one hand she makes a plea
On the other hand she state something
That making you thinking
This need verification and rectification
For one idea can destroy the relation
I feel sorry, sorry for not what I did
But the little girl indeed
I feel the conspiracy against self
And find no way to get help
For I have more foes than friends
There has some who do pretends
Being fair and nice to all
Reach to you at your call
There is always a time of turbulence
And I do know there's no permanence
In the crowd you feel lonely
On the matter, you keep thinking only
For it doesn't matter her
But it does matter for me the matter
Shashikant Nishant Sharma