Ashly Raju - Blazing Memory

2014-06-17 14

As the Shell

Dreams to have a pearl in it,

After a long waiting

To know the sparkling blaze

Of a mother

The fruit full pain

Originated in me.

As the infant develop,

Like joining the beads

To form a completed jewellery,

The feeling of a mom

Grew like a blossomed plant.

Each and every touches

Of the baby,

Spread out thousands of gardens

In her heart.

When the gardens piled up,

And when flowers began

To spread out their attractive smell

The small pain that soothes

The mind ended

By the arrival of the pearl from the womb

The call of the pearl,

With the sweet little voice,

Hampered her from going deep

To the colourful memories.

She said adieu to her memories

To feel the true men

From her pearl, her baby.

Ashly Raju