David Lessard - Days Of Hope.

2014-06-17 1

The dawn is breaking, through the sky,
the day is bright and full of hope;
I must be off, don't know just why,
but I must not sit around and mope.

There are new things to discover,
and old familiar things to see;
I 'steal' away from my sweet lover,
to gather in, these things that be.

To watch the lives around me shine,
to feel the coolness of the morn;
to drink in thoughts that flow like wine,
to feel once more why I was born.

To feel the lovely winter's breath,
to hear the dove's sad, plaintive song;
to think no morbid thoughts of death,
to hide the soul from all that's wrong.

To send a smile to all the strangers,
to lift the hearts of those that fall;
to ward the weak from sudden dangers,
to tear down each oppressive wall.

David Lessard
