Babatunde Aremu - When Night Seems Long

2014-06-17 0

Its a long night
When sun closed her eyes
Refusing to share her rays
Bidding daylight bye
Allowing darkness in her stead

Its indeed a long night
When cloud gets darker
Silence becomes king
Leaving streets alone
Without soul on the lanes

Its a long night
As tiny creatures sound louder
When lonely paths are tread
Without any company
And rivers of water
Rolled down the cheeks
Without any one to comfort.

Its still a long night
When all roads are blocked
When friends disown you
And you rolled like a stone
Down from the hilltop

The night seems longer
As relatves abandon you
Confidantes switch camps
Leaving you bare naked
You feel the ground opens
And swallows you up

Although the night seems long
It will soon fade away
Sun's uprise will come again
Clouds will become brighter again
So, never give up
When the night seems long

Babatunde Aremu