Iraq battles humanitarian woes as fighting engulfs country

2014-06-17 38

With fighting unrelenting around Iraq’s North, it is increasingly the displaced who are on the losing end.

Refugee camp’s such as Dohuk in Iraq’s Kurdish region are swelling. Hundreds of thousands have fled from ISIL insurgents and feared government counter attacks.

With the crisis at the fore of international diplomacy, the UN’s Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, had these words of warning for watching governments.

“I’m urging again that all the leaders in the world they should really pay attention to the aspirations of the people before their aspirations or grievances are turning into such political instability which will allow infiltrations of extremism”.

ISIL’s march towards Baghdad has been buoyed by Sunni discontent.

The US appears concerned for the security of its embassy in Baghdad, pledging 270 troops to guard it. Of these 100 are expected to wait on Kuwait’s border for further developments.

In an address to Congress, President Obama stressed they were all equipped to fight.

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