chandra thiagarajan - Acrostic To Smt.Mythily Gopalakrishnan

2014-06-17 12

M adam Mythily is the echo in I C F
Y oung and old, both alike,
T hink of you, with respects—as a Chef,
H igh Priest, Mother, Sister, and the like.
I ndeed you have been our Governess—so well told;
L oving one and all with a heart of gold;
Y earning ever to march forward.

G rilled to your home and hearth, though,
O ffice work has ever seen you thorough.
P oetry in you saw an ardent lover
A ppreciating Nature at every juncture.
L ove for writing and painting, embroidery and knitting
A dmirably, in you, did beautifully flower.
K nowledge of philosophy and other subjects abound,
R emarkably well in your talk with thoughts profound.
I ngrained with culture, your children four,
S hining with education, they've come to the fore.
H anding our love to you, through this poesy,
N ow, when from I C F, you retire -we pray,
A lmighty God to have you as ever,
N igh to His Choicest Blessings bower.

chandra thiagarajan