Neela Nath - Come Bird Come

2014-06-17 4

I'm, a tree which is
stuck to the earth,
not to get away
from her chest!
My roots are in quest
of the water lying
deep in the heart
of mother earth.
My stem, bark, leaves
branches, stoma all
all are for this earth.
Come bird, perch here
on my hands, take the fruit
as your meal.
I'm a tree,
You are a bird
and look, they are human beings.
You will do your task
by spreading the seed
of the fruit you eat.
I let out oxygen
to keep the balance,
by inhaling Carbon dioxide.
We give medicines, herbs, woods.....
But, they hurt and cut us
knowing, there will be flood,
drought and landslides!
Come bird, listen my
saga of grief and human idiocy!

Neela Nath