rajendran muthiah - Walkways Along The Roads

2014-06-17 0

The pedestrians use the walkways
on either side of the road.
There are no jay walkers in Melbourne.
The young and old as well as the children
are aware of pelican crossing
and have no tension while walking across the road.
They walk their dogs too every day.
For those who walk on air, this city is safe.
‘Give Way' is the policy of all who drive vehicles.
Accidents galore on the roads in India.
Sugar-patients who leave the home before the dawn
won't come back home safe in India.
Rules of the road are wantonly broken.

The children take their grand dads and mums for a walk.
This is not ‘cat walk' or ‘space walk'
requiring special costumes. Benefits of walk speak.
They walk with verve to be virile.
They greet each other saying ‘hello' with a nice smile.
If a girl said, ‘hello' to a boy in India,
he would be chasing her like a hunting dog.
Senior-citizens go out to walk off an illness.
The walkies and the walkers make their physique stronger
by regular walk to live long with pleasure.

rajendran muthiah
