Cierrah Smiles - Society..

2014-06-17 1

You know life freaking sucks. It throws you out into a world and fills your head with magical stuff like unicorns and dragons then when you get older you relied that unicorns aren't real and that the dragons are ugly and look dirty and live in a zoo. It stupid. They feel your head with lots of freaking hopes a d dreams then you get hit in the face with a ball called life and like is freaking messed up. its where you get judged for being you and and bullied for acting the same as someone else. people will tell you how great you are and how your going to do great things then the turn around and tell people how your a horrible person and that you cant do anything and turn back to you and then expect you to grow up happy.
People walk out on you and make you feel like shit and people you thought who care really don't give a shit about you and will turn on you in a second. And your expected to be super happy. Life and society suck. They just suck.
Plus they say be who you are then set up these stupid rules and boundaries and do everything humanly possible to make you the way they want to see you. People have an image of perfect in their mind. People starve themselves to make them self 'pretty' but yet they still get screwed over and bullied and they think that if you eat your gunna get obis.
Perfect doesn't exist and people need to wake up and realize that. Life sucks cause you get screw anyways. And society has the wrong idea for how you should be.

Cierrah Smiles

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