GORDON BUTCHERS - The old Hastings pier

2014-06-17 2

She stood so long in silence
Neglected in disrepair,
Battered by waves and wind
Decaying in the salty air.

Engulfed by the fierce inferno
Her battered shell ablaze,
Though the smokey haze hid her charred remains
She now stands a shadow of better days.

We stand in the shadows of the pier
Dwarfed by her giant rusting skeletal frame,
Now only a nightly roost for starlings
As we look up in shame.

Our pier is now just a burnt out wreck
And we look in sadness at her decay,
For Hastings needs it's pier
Is what the people say.

Hoping that one day the pier will rise again
from it's decine
To again bless the Hastings shore,
Or be condemned to the elements
And gone forevermore.

