I want to pursue my personal
dreams and see them through
till the very end of time,
and allow myself to reveal
every-thing that i've seen
through-out my own life that
i've lived,
I want the people in my life
to look at me on the inside and
know how passionate i am about
my personal dreams becoming and
reality for me.
Expressing my personal dreams
gave me my own geniue out-look
of how the world sees me as the
young-woman that i want to be.
The dedication that no-one
sees in my insecurity of me
not letting my personal dreams
be seen by every-one that is
around me now.
My personal dreams are not a
hopeless-crime to have said
'bout how i dream all of these
personal dreams that i have deep
inside my heart.
I want my personal dreams to
inspire the people who love me
and who are around me all of my
To see how serious my personal
dreams can be to some-one who
has worked hard to try to achieve
them to know how i want them to
come out of my own personal life
that i live every-day.
erie morgan