Morgan Michaels - Dream

2014-06-17 21

Dream, what are you, you look familiar.
Why am I chasing you? Do you even know I exist?
Zig to my zag, zag to my-
You make me dizzy, so I keep my eye steady
On you, on your horizon.

Sometimes you take the shape of a horse running,
Dream, sometimes a cloud
Changing into a horse changing into a cloud
Changing into a running dream. I laugh.
Of course I laugh.

Every night I imagine we're through.
'Just go away, I say,
Punching the pillow for emphasis.
But by daybreak, there you are again,
Newborn pink around the gills, cyanotic and pale green

With scabs and a hematoma-
You flush from bluish to pink and back
Bald, wet,
Everything a need. Everything a 'me.'

Dream, if the morning ever comes
And I fall for you again
tap me, pinch me, sink your toothless gums
Into my luminous flesh and say,
'Are you mad? No way, no way! '

For that must be your part, Dream,
And if not,
I'm opening the window on you, yes, you too.
Out you'll go, Dream,
Out you'll go.

Morgan Michaels