The rain is hammering on our windows,
it's changed,
last week it was still warm
almost summer rain.
Now it's been stolen
along with the sun
dragged south
to give us our endless winter
To make it worse they mess with the clocks
make the darkness worse
the night longer.
I need the light and the sun!
I need that week in Seville again
tapas bars open on the street
sun hot on my skin
bright in my eyes, a joyful atmosphere
The south stole the sun
for their summer ration
but it seems to me most humans are in the north
so it's time to renegotiate
We need a better year
How about two extra months of sun up here
though that may upset the gods
those behind the barrows and stone circles
Where at the moment of the winter solstice
the prayers are answered
and each day that follows brings the sun
a few minutes closer
So I guess we are stuck with it
the cold winds from the north
sucking tha last warmth from the land
and those damp westerlies giving us grey damp
So out with the wellies
the waterproofs, hats and gloves
Let's get out the casseroles
and make a joyful and comforting stew.
Robin Pratt