Robert Edgar Burns - SOON HOME

2014-06-17 6

I have used the Heimlich Maneuver
And I've done CPR,
On so very many people
I can't remember who they are.

I have entered burning buildings
With firemen who are so brave.
And I am so very proud
That's what my son became.

Many guns were pointed at me.
Let me tell you that's not fun.
But with the adrenaline flowing
I never once turned to run.

My daughter is in to nursing.
And I'm so very proud of her.
My family is my whole life,
And for me they are the world.

So what's become of my active life?
With disability all I can do is write.
Trying to bring light to others,
Which is now my sheer delight.

Now my time is short,
My body's wearing down.
So I write so much
Till I leave my home and town.

If it bothers anyone
With the many words I say,
My silence is soon coming.
It could happen any day.

Robert Edgar Burns