William Starbuck, Xerfi Canal IT and the future of University and Business Schools

2014-06-17 3

Voir cette vidéo sur le site Xerfi Canal : http://www.xerficanal.com/emission/William-H-Starbuck-_Information-technology-and-the-future-of-University-and-Business-Schools_1663.html

Professor and organizational scientist William H. Starbuck started his academic career more than 50 years ago. Since then, he has published over 150 books and articles in various fields such as accounting or business strategy, to name but a few. In other words, when it comes to management research, he has seen it all. That's why when he was asked to give a conference about the trends seen in universities at la journée de la FNEGE, Xerfi Canal chose to question him more specifically about the upcoming impacts of digital tools in teaching and researching. Here's his take.

William H. Starbuck, Information technology and the future of University and Business Schools, une vidéo Xerfi Canal


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