Gert Strydom - There Was A Time

2014-06-17 6

There was a time when the wide world
seemed immense, when every tree
was gigantic, streams were like rivers
with something celestial
that touching my eyesight
when I was but a child

but now as a man
it’s with different eyes that I look
and although things have taken
their normal size
there are still things that are sublime
that I at times comprehend.

The rainbow with its bright colours
that arc above the earth,
has a kind of magic
which science explains,
but still there’s a kind of mystery
that nothing can really measure.

The rising sun that paints the sky
and clouds in its loveliness,
even the moon and stars
have an own influence
on feelings, on well being
as if in their presence they can bless.

Gert Strydom