The sedge along the riverside.
Provides a perfect place to hide
For creatures which we rarely see.
Small animals which need to be.
Hid from the eyes of predators.
Who hunt along the water course.
Feathered hunters high in the sky
follow the river as they fly
In their eternal hunt for prey.
Ready to stoop without delay.
Given the opportunity
On some potential meal they see..
Small creatures seeking sustenance.
Who are prepared to take a chance.
To forage for the food they need
Far from the safety of the weeds
where they are hidden from the view.
Of predators who must feed too.
Though most will die some will survive.
Enough to keep the breed alive.
Ma Nature plans well in advance
for each and every circumstance.
She will maintain the status quo.
Which was established long ago.
ivor or ivor.e hogg